نمايش منو
اوقات شرعی

امروز : چهارشنبه ۲۲ اسفند ۱۴۰۳
۱۲ رمضان ۱۴۴۶

کد مطلب: 40130 تعداد بازدید: ۹۲

Article Writing Guidelines

دوشنبه ۱۰ دى ۱۴۰۳

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

Given the objective of examining the scientific, political, and social personality of the Martyr President, the impact of Quranic elements in shaping his character, and his role in guiding the Islamic community toward the establishment of a new Islamic-Iranian civilization, as set by the organizers of the conference, participants wishing to contribute through the production and preparation of scientific papers should consider the following points:

B. Although researchers have the freedom to choose their topics for paper preparation, in the recognition section, priority will be given to topics determined by the conference’s scientific committee.

D. Given the Quranic approach of the conference in the field of research on the thoughts of the Martyr President, priority should be given to incorporating Quranic elements in the selection of the topic and preparation of the paper.

F. Esteemed authors must submit the abstracts of their papers by January 19, 2025 (30th of Dey, 1403) and the full papers by March 5, 2025 (15th of Esfand, 1403) to the scientific secretariat of the conference at the following address: http://mazandaran.whc.ir

Corresponding Author" should be placed next to the name of the corresponding author.

o    The person submitting the paper is considered the corresponding author and all subsequent correspondence will be directed to them.

5.    Affiliations of Authors

o    Authors’ organizational affiliations must be precise and follow one of the formats below:

1.    Faculty Members: Academic rank (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Professor), department, university, city, country, institutional email address.

2.    Students: Degree level (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD), field of study, university, city, country, institutional email address.

3.    Independent Researchers: Degree level (Bachelor’s, Master’s, PhD), field of study, institution, city, country, institutional email address.

4.    Seminary Students: Level (4, 3, 2), field of study, seminary, city, country, email address.

6.    Paper Structure
The main body of the paper should include the following sections in order:

1.    Title: The title must be concise, clear, and reflective of the paper's content, preferably as brief as possible.

2.    Abstract (in Persian): The abstract should include the following:

§  Topic/issue/question being addressed

§  Objective of the research

§  Methodology

§  Key findings or results

Structure of the Paper

1.    Introduction
The introduction should include the following elements:

o    Problem Definition: Clearly state the issue or research question.

o    Literature Review: Review the previous research on the topic, providing both Persian and English sources.

o    Significance and Necessity of the Research: Explain the importance of the study and the reason it is essential to pursue this topic.

o    Novelty of the Paper: Justify why the topic of the paper is new or unique in the field.

2.    Main Body

o    This section should provide detailed explanations, discussions, and analyses of the topics related to the research question. It should logically organize the arguments and data presented.

3.    Conclusion

o    In 10 to 15 lines, summarize the key points of the paper and explain the conclusions derived from the study.

o    The conclusion can discuss the implications of the research, suggest further areas for exploration, or propose how the findings might be applied in related fields.

4.    References

o    The reference list should include all sources cited in the paper, arranged alphabetically, with Persian sources listed first, followed by English sources.

o    Sources must follow the APA referencing style, including in-text citations, footnotes, and the reference list.

Citation Format

1.    For Persian Sources:

o    In-text citation: (Author’s Last Name, Year of Publication: Page Number)
Example: (Majlisi, 1408: Vol. 52, p. 174)

o    If citing a hadith or chapter in a book: (..., B4, H9)

o    For journal articles, cite similarly to books, but start with the author's last name, followed by the publication year and page number.

2.    For Quranic Verses:

o    Cite only the surah and verse number in this format: (Anbiya: 105)

3.    For English Sources:

o    In-text citation: (Page Number: Year of Publication, Author’s Last Name)
Example: (Gordon, 1998: 23)

o    If an author has multiple works published in the same year, distinguish them by letters after the year (e.g., Gordon, 1998a; Gordon, 1998b).

4.    Footnotes:

o    Necessary explanations and English equivalents should be included in footnotes, numbered sequentially throughout the paper.

5.    Formatting of References at the End:

o    Order: First list Persian references, followed by English references.

o    Ensure all cited references are included in the reference list and match the citations used in the text.

Example of References

  • Persian:
    Majlisi, M. (1408). Bihar al-Anwar (Vol. 52, p. 174). Tehran: Al-Maktab Publishing.
    (Note: If referencing a hadith, use this format: “... B4, H9.”)
  • English:
    Gordon, R. (1998). Political Theory in Islamic Governance (p. 23). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    (If more than one work by the same author in the same year, use a and b to distinguish between them.)

This structure ensures clarity, proper referencing, and organization, which will help in the acceptance and evaluation of the paper for the conference.

Citation Format for Different Sources

1.    Theses and Research Projects:

o    Author's Last Name, Author's First Name, Year of Publication, Title of Thesis or Project (in quotation marks), Journal Name (in bold), Issue Number, Page Numbers of the Article.

o    Majlisi, M., 1408, Bihar al-Anwar (Vol. 52), Al-Maktab Publishing, Issue 12, pp. 174-190.

2.    Articles in Journals and Conferences:

o    Author's Last Name, Author's First Name, Year of Publication, Title of the Article (in quotation marks), Translator's Name (if applicable), Journal Name (in bold), Issue Number, Page Numbers of the Article.

o    Gordon, R., 1998, Political Theory in Islamic Governance, International Journal of Political Science, Issue 15, pp. 23-30.

3.    Online Sources:

o    Author's Last Name, Author's First Name, Year of Publication, Title of the Article, Name of the Platform (or Title of the Electronic Journal), Year, Page Number (if available), Website URL.

o    Gordon, R., 1998, Political Theory in Islamic Governance, Oxford Political Review, 1998, pp. 45-50, Available at: www.oxfordpoliticalreview.com/1998/theory.

This ensures clarity in referencing different types of sources, whether print or online, and maintains consistency in following the required APA format for citations.